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U jednoj od najizazovnijih godina u novijoj istoriji, Grupacija EIB je pokazala svoju posvećenost Zapadnom Balkanu povećavanjem finansijske i tehničke podrške za zeleni oporavak regiona. EIB pomaže stvaranje dobro povezanog, zelenog i inkluzivnog regiona, da bi obezbedila njegovu konkurentnost i održivost u periodu posle kovida-19. Istovremeno, EIB nastavlja da podržava zelenu i digitalnu tranziciju regiona, kao i njegovu integraciju na tržište EU.
Alle Ausgaben dieser Publikation
Alle Publikationen in dieser Reihe
- The EIB in Asia and the Pacific
- Aktivnosti EIB na Zapadnom Balkanu 2022. godine
- The European Investment Bank in the Pacific
- EIB Group activity in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2021
- EIB activity in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2020
- Podrška Grupacije EIB za MSP na Zapadnom Balkanu
- The European Investment Bank in China
- The EIB in Latin America and the Caribbean: protecting the environment, fighting climate change
- EIB activity in Latin America in 2019
- The European Investment Bank in the Western Balkans (version 2019)
- The EIB in the Southern Neighbourhood
- 2018: Record number of EIB operations in Latin America
- The EIB in Asia and the Pacific
- The European Investment Bank in the Pacific (2019)
- Finanzierungstätigkeit in den baltischen Ländern im Jahr 2017
- The EIB in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific: 2015 results
- Die Europäische Investitionsbank und der Donauraum
- The European Investment Bank in the Baltic Sea Region
- FEMIP Financing operations in Gaza / West Bank