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    The EIB has worked with Palestine* since 1995. The Bank operates in Palestine in line with the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and other EU bilateral agreements.

    We have invested over €700 million to finance energywater and transport projects, including support for small businesses and the banking sector. 

    Palestine also benefits from EIB support through the Economic Resilience Initiative (ERI). Under the ERI, we signed an $18 million loan agreement with the Palestine Investment Fund (PIF) to finance the installation of rooftop photovoltaic systems on 500 public schools in the West Bank.
    This will generate 35 MW of clean energy – enough to power more than 16 000 houses across the West Bank and save 31 000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year.

    Our financing improves the lives of Palestinian people by improving public services, economic conditions and access to affordable credit. In the private sector, we provide funding to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as microfinance and private equity funds.

    The EIB helps make funding available for local SMEs through lines of credit to local banks or through risk-sharing instruments.

    Furthermore, through the Risk Capital Facility, we support microfinance via Vitas and Faten, which help people obtain funds to start or maintain their own micro-business and overcome poverty.

    * This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of the Member States on this issue.


    €250 000 European Investment Bank donation to support humanitarian efforts in Gaza

    The EIB has donated € 250,000 to provide essential food, medical supplies, and medical assistance for children and families in need in Gaza.

    At a glance

    The EIB provides finance and expertise for sound and sustainable investment projects in Palestine.

    EIB stories in Palestine

    General stories speak louder than general policies. Discover how EIB activities have improved the quality of life in Palestine.

    Get EIB support in Palestine

    We can provide you with various type of financing to implement projects that promote growth and jobs in your country. We support small businessesinnovationclimate and infrastructure. Get an overview here for the whole EIB Group product range*

    * These products refer to EIB activity worldwide and may not apply to EIB operations in the Southern Neighbourhood.

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