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    Under EU Global Gateway, in the EU Eastern Neighbourhood the EIB supports small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as investments in climate action, sustainable cities, housing and transport, drinking water, energy efficiency, health, education, among others,  while contributing towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The EIB also prioritises gender and age equality in its projects to ensure financial inclusion and equitable benefits for all.


    We have been active in the Eastern Neighbourhood since 2007. In the region, our current role is to support:

    We are one of the top lenders in the region that accelerate the green transition, in line with our Climate Bank Roadmap, while contributing towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    Our joint efforts with partners on the ground help to tackle challenges in the region more efficiently.

    Our activity in 2023

    Besides helping the countries tackle the economic consequences of the Russian-Ukraine war and recovery after the COVID pandemic, we finance health and education and all those sound projects that promote a more sustainable growth and that improve regional connectivity. We financed for example the refurbishment of a kindergarten in Yerevan to make it more resistant to earthquakes and energy efficient, as well as the M6 route linking Armenia to Georgia to make the road safer.

    EIB provided €348 million of financing for projects in 2023 to contribute to a sustainable and inclusive development, in line with the Global Gateway objectives.

    Country overview

    Find an overview of our impact by country.

    Our stories in the region

    We support projects that improve lives all over the world. Watch our videos and read our stories on how our work improves the quality of life in the region.

    What we offer

    We offer a broad range of financial products and advisory services for public and private project to enhance growth and development in the region.

    We work on several investment initiatives to maximise our local impact:

    European Fund for Sustainable Development (EFSD) Guarantee

    This guarantee instrument crowds in private investors, where viable business proposals meet social needs and where limited public funds can attract private money.

    SME Access to Finance Initiative

    This initiative aims to enhance access to finance for small and medium sized businesses (SMEs), as well as financial inclusion of underserved segments, such as start-ups or youth- and women-led businesses.

    Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Initiative East

    The initiative aims to strengthen economic development in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

    Neighbourhood Investment Platform (NIP)

    NIP addresses critical funding gaps in the EU’s Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood.

    We work with donors to create trust funds and thus provide more in-depth support for local projects through technical assistance, grants and loan guarantees.

    The EU for Ukraine Fund

    EU4U is part of a larger initiative to support Ukraine, financing priority investments for the country’s recovery and reconstruction.

    Water Sector Fund

    This fund aims to support the development of water projects in low- and lower-middle income countries.

    Financial Inclusion Fund

    The Financial Inclusion Fund aims to improve access to finance for small businesses and entrepreneurs in developing countries.

    Green Hydrogen Fund

    This trust fund provides strategic advice and capacity building to developing countries to help them prepare for decarbonising the industry sector through green hydrogen.

    International Climate Initiative Fund

    This fund aims to catalyse investment for ambitious climate change mitigation and adaptation projects in developing and emerging countries.

    City Climate Finance Gap Fund

    The fund offers technical and advisory services for climate action projects and supports cities in developing and emerging economies.

    Luxembourg-EIB Climate Finance Platform

    The platform supports investment in international climate finance, focusing on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

    We provide equity financing, primarily investing or co-investing along with funds focused on infrastructure, the environment, small and medium-sized enterprises and mid-size corporations.

    Our experts provide advisory services and technical assistance to improve access to finance and facilitate investment for:

    • public authorities
    • financial intermediaries
    • microfinance institutions
    • final beneficiaries

    We also offer expertise and technical assistance to support the design and structuring of low-carbon infrastructure projects in cities.

    Our partnerships

    We work closely with the European Union and development partners to mobilise more development and climate finance, and to enhance our impact.

    We are the European Union’s international development bank. We promote the EU's principles, values and objectives and contribute to stable growth in countries beyond Europe’s borders.

    ©European Commission

    Global Gateway

    As part of Team Europe we are supporting Global Gateway, a new European strategy to invest in sustainable, high-quality projects around the world that are good for people and the planet.

    Under Global Gateway, EIB Global is tackling some of today’s most pressing challenges, from fighting climate change to accelerating the digital transition. EIB Global is well on track to facilitate at least a third of the €300 billion of investment that Global Gateway aims to mobilise by 2027.

    This will help support projects that are focused on digitalisation, tackling climate change, clean energy, healthcare, education, as well as transport.

    Team Europe

    As part of Team Europe, the EIB has increased its development finance, especially in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Team Europe is a global recovery package that combines resources from the European Union, Member States, and the EIB, and supports the most vulnerable countries and people most at risk around the world.

    In line with Team Europe initiatives, our projects in the region are aimed at achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

    To tackle challenges in the region, we work with various United Nations agencies, as well as international financial institutions, such as, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the French Agency for Development (AFD), the German Development Bank (KfW) and the World Bank.

    Our initiatives with these partners in the region include, among others The Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environmental Partnership and Mutual Reliance Initiative (MRI).

    Our projects

    We have financed projects that have had a positive impact on the lives of people in the region.

    Projects to be financed

    Financed projects

    Contact us

    Local authority or large corporate

    Contact us at our local offices:

    Small businesses

    For small projects (generally less than € 25m)

    Contact our local partners


    General enquiries

    Contact the Information Desk for enquiries regarding the financing facilities, activity, organisation and objectives of the EIB.

    Contact us
    Tel.  +352 4379-22000
    Frequently asked questions